IUMS is the International Union of Microbiological Societies, founded in 1927 with the aim to mobilize all microbiological societies globally to promote the development of sustainable solutions to control infectious agents while preserving the global microbial diversity and the healthy life of our planet.
IUMS is one of the 31 Scientific Unions of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU). ICSU is a non-governmental organisation with a global membership of national scientific bodies (120 Members, representing 140 countries) and International Scientific Unions (31 Members).
The objectives of the Union are
IUMS is devoted to promote research and the open exchange of scientific information for advancement of the health and welfare of humankind and the environment and strongly discourages any uses of knowledge and resources to the contrary >> read more
The scientific activities of the Union are conducted by the three Divisions of Bacteriology & Applied Microbiology (BAM), Mycology and Virology and by six specialist international committees, eight international commissions and two international federations. Their major activities include the classification and nomenclature of bacteria, fungi and viruses, food microbiology, medical microbiology and diagnostics, culture collections, education, and biological standardization.