The final authority in administration of the Union lies with the General Assembly exercised collectively by delegates of National Committees (See Constitution B18) of the Member Societies and members of the Executive Board. The General Assembly may direct the Executive Board to establish any Division or other working group deemed necessary for the administrative or scientific work of the Union.
The General Assembly ordinarily meets at least every three years on the occasion of an International Congress organized under auspices of the Union, convening at least once during each meeting. The last meeting of the GA was an online meeting on Thursday, July 21st 2022 during the Rotterdam congress For the draft minutes of this meeting click here. For minutes of previous General Assemblies click here.
The General Assembly elects the Officers of the Union (the President-Elect, two Vice-Presidents, Secretary-General, and Treasurer) and two Members-at-Large, receives reports and, as required, approves activities of the Executive Board and initiates further business.
For nominations of new officers, instructions and forms read more.
The next GA meeting will be in 2024 in Florence (Italy) 13.00-14.00 in Room Modulo 0.
Agenda General Assembly IUMS 2024 in Florence Friday October 25 13.00-14.00