The Faculty of Agricultural Technology Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta Indonesia (FTP-UGM) organized the IUMS outreach programme on Food Safety and Conference on Mycotoxin” in collaboartion with the IUMS International Comission of Food Mycology (ICFM). This program took place on 14-15 November 2014 at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM.
The outreach program and conference was open for scientists from ASEAN countries, and other countries of ASIA by participating by oral presentation or poster. More than 220 participants from all over ASEAN countries participated. Besides ICFM this meeting was also supported by two related societies in Indonesia, PERMI (Indonesian Society of Microbiology) and PATPI (Indonesian Food Technologist), as well as BPOM. More information is available at
Click HERE for the Abstract book, programme and list of participants
Members of the International Commission of Foodmycology (in orange) with Prof Endang.