Exploration into alternative plastic monomers to replace petrochemical-derived monomers hasbeen limited due to production challenges. One promising class of potential alternatives ispseudoaromatic compounds.
This study presents the sustainable production of fivepseudoaromatic dicarboxylic acids using metabolically engineered Corynebacteriumglutamicum strains directly from glucose. A base production strain was constructed to produce2-pyrone-4,6-dicarboxylic acid, which was then further engineered and optimized to produceother pyridine dicarboxylic acids. Fed-batch fermentation of the engineered strainsdemonstrated significant production titers.
This work provides insight into the metabolicflexibility and engineering potential for synthesizing bio-based aromatic monomers using C.glutamicum.
The methodologies from this study will be useful for developing efficient microbialcell factories to produce various bio-based plastic monomers.
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