The General Assembly elects the Officers of the Union (the President-Elect, Vice-President, secretary general, treasurer and Member-at-Large, receives reports and, as required, approves activities of the Executive Board and initiates further business.
Nominations, containing a biography of the nominee and a statement indicating a willingness to serve, are sought from National Committees and from Divisions for the offices of President-Elect, Vice- President and Member-at-Large. It is important to note that members of the Executive Board will be responsible for specific portfolios and that nominees are aware about their duties and responsibilities.
For forms to nomination of new members of the Executive board click here for WORD - PDF
New members (Vice Chair and Secretary/Treasurer) for the Executive Boards of the three Divisions (Virology, BAM and Mycology and Eukaryotic Microbiology) are sought by their Secretary/treasurer. Nomination forms ses below
For the election of the members of the new Eecutive Board and the Boards of the Divisions of Virology, BAM and Mycology and Eukaryotic Microbiology (MEM) you can download the PDF or word files. Please note that these forms should be submitted to the Secretary General or Secretaries of the divisions before MAY 31 2022
Nomination form for Board of the Virology Divsion PDF - WORD
Nomination form for Board of the Mycology and Eukaryotic Microbiology Divsion PDF - WORD
Nomination form for Board of the Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology Divsion PDF - WORD